Specialist Mortgage Advice in Coventry

If you have been looking at getting a mortgage or more specifically have been looking at your options for a Remortgage in Coventry, it’s likely you will have seen the term Capital Raising before.

You may see such a term and be wondering what that means, what exactly is Capital Raising? The answer is simple; Capital Raising is the act of raising money, in this case referred to as Capital. This is done through a few different methods and can be used for various reasons. 

Capital Raising Methods 

Remortgage to Release Equity 

A common way for this to occur is for customers to take out a Remortgage as a means of releasing the equity in their property. Equity is the difference between what you have left to pay on your mortgage and the true value of the property. 

Further Advance Mortgage 

If your property happens to increase in value over the duration of your mortgage, rather than Remortgaging to Release Equity, you may find yourself looking to do this with a Further Advance. This is where you take out an additional mortgage on your property to borrow even more, as a means of once again releasing equity.

This mortgage will typically be over a longer term and have interest rates that are lower than a standard personal loan, although it will be paid back alongside your existing mortgage.

This can be a great option for those who do not wish to Remortgage, or maybe tied into their existing deal. However, there are risks, such as a higher risk of repossession if you cannot keep up the significantly larger number of monthly repayments.  

Second Charge Mortgage 

A Second Charge Mortgage works similar to that of a Further Advance, wherein you will be taking out an additional mortgage alongside your existing one, as a means of releasing the equity in your home for future home improvements or anything else you wish to spend your newly acquired funds on.

The difference between a Second Charge and a Further Advance is that a Second Charge will often be with another lender and on a different rate. In the unfortunate event of a repossession, your initial mortgage lender will be paid back from the property’s sale, with any remaining funds used to pay off the Second Charge. 

Capital Raising Mortgage Reasons

You may find yourself needing to Capital Raise and release equity via a Remortgage, for all kinds of reasons. Popular choices for this include to fund any Home Improvements, Modifications or Alterations, such as a new home office, a possible home extension or even a loft/garage conversion, as well as to consolidate any debts that have been accrued over time.

Other options may include to gift a deposit to your children, to purchase a second home (usually an option with Buy to Let Landlords in Coventry), to fund large purchases such as a car, wedding or holiday. 

Saving your Time, Saving your Money – Mortgage Broker in Coventry 

If you have equity in your property and are looking to take out a capital raising mortgage, then a remortgage in Coventry could be useful to you. Generally speaking, mortgage lenders will let you borrow up to 90% of the value of your property.

Please do get in touch and we will advise you of the most appropriate option for your circumstances. If remortgaging isn’t quite for you, taking out unsecured credit might be a more suitable option for you. A standard Remortgage can take roughly around 4 to 6 weeks to go through.

With Debt Consolidation there are some risks to take into account. That is why we always recommend you speak with a qualified Mortgage Advisor in Coventry, before consolidating any unsecured debts against your home.

Coventrymoneyman is an experienced Mortgage Broker in Coventry, here to help you find the best capital raising mortgage deal for both your financial and personal situation. All of our customers will benefit from a free remortgage in Coventry consultation. During this consultation we will make a full recommendation.

If you are over the age of 55, you may find yourself better suited for taking up equity release in Coventry. 

Date Last Edited: December 6, 2023